Copyright Notice. Gloria Poole, Missouri. 2nd August 2017 at 11:38am. ALL RIGHTS TO THIS ENTIRE BLOG FROM ITS BEGINNING TO ALL ART ALL PHOTOS AND ALL WORDS ON IT ARE RESERVED FOR [KEPT FOR] ME GLORIA POOLE OF MISSOURI. You may not download any content from this blog. You may not forward your domains to this blog. You may not make prints, nor reproductions, nor copies, nor copy-and-paste-images nor derivative works from any content on this blog. You may not save any content on his blog to your flash drive or harddrive. You may not represent yourselves as a "co-worker" ,nor a "boss" nor a "supervisor" nor an "employee" nor a "courier" nor a "boy friend" nor a "husband" nor a "partner" nor a "manager" nor a "superintendent" nor a "business partner" nor an "owner" nor a"roommate' nor an 'agent' nor a "representative" nor a "literary agent' of mine. I, Gloria Poole, create all content on this blog and own all rights to it, and I create it in my own apt in Missouri for my own purposes.
Here are the words of wisdom from JESUS, The Messiah as written:
"And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin. And yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if GOD so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall HE not much more clothe ye, o ye of little faith.Therefore, take no thought saying, 'what shall we eat? or 'what shall we drink?' Or 'wherewithal, shall we be clothed?' (For after all these things do The Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for tomorrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.." the words of JESUS as recorded in Matthew 6: 28-34a, KJV
Change of topic to discuss the legal concept of personhood, which is the core of the prolife cause. It is one of my main goals for my life to help change the public's perception of the human being in the womb. I am not alone in that goal. Many people across America arer in personhood organizations to raise the awareness of the need to include the humans in the womb in the Fourteenth Amendment. I quote from a law school student writing on the subject of personhood:
2nd Aug 2017; & w/ quote: "The structure of the argument is simple: The Fourteenth Amendment’s use of the word “person” guarantees due process and equal protection to all members of the human species. The preborn are members of the human species from the moment of fertilization. Therefore, the Fourteenth Amendment protects the preborn. If one concedes the minor premise (that preborn humans are biological members of the human species), all that must be demonstrated is that the term “person,” in its original public meaning at the time of the Fourteenth Amendment’s adoption, applied to all members of the human species. I draw on three strands of evidence to support that conclusion. First, dictionaries of common and legal usage at the time of the Fourteenth Amendment’s adoption defined the terms “person” and “human being” interchangeably. Thus, the original public meaning of the term “person” included every member of the human race. Second, centuries of common-law precedent and state practice leading up to the Fourteenth Amendment’s adoption in 1868 indicate that the unborn were considered legal persons. Third, the authors of the Fourteenth Amendment expected it to protect every human being—especially the weakest and most marginalized. This “original expected application” is indicative of the original public meaning and demonstrates that informed citizens believed that the text of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to every human without exception." From article written by Josh Craddock, Student in the Harvard Law School; 2nd August 2017; "The Constitution already prohibits abortion: an originalist case for prenatal personhood:
The Fourteenth Amendment is : "Amendment XIV
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." From Cornell [NY] Law School online Constitution and amendments.
Thanks to viewers of previous post in United States, Russia and Turkmenistan. To see the list of 77 countries of world that read my tweets and or view art I make see my https://gloriapoole.blogspot.comm at link above and scroll to that paragraph.
My selfie in Feb 2017:
This is one of the selfies I photographed in Feb 2017 of myself, Gloria Poole, and I am Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri /artist/illustrator/cartoonist/blogger/citizen-journo/author/cartoonist/photographer/mother/grandmother/Christian/divorced/white woman. I am posting this here for several reasons: By the way, I have NO ASSOCIATION whatsoever with the domain "human relationships" nor with "twicial" nor with domain that tried to steal my name, selfies w/ pony tail and my blog content. I consider them to be ID thieves and enfringers of my copyrights. I am seriously considering suing them for fraud, copyright infringement, and ID theft. And I have followed up with ICANN and FBI about those domains stealing of my real name and content I create in massive amounts to create confusion about who I am and where I am and to defame me.
https;// is my public health teaching blog, which i update regularly.
and other twitter accounts, other sites, blogs and public albums of mine that contain much photography of mine and also photos I photographed of art I created/ drew/sketched and or painted.
Also please see new site I created today as a summary page for myself:
And this is my 2017 personal logo I created that includes a cartoon I drew, which cyber-criminals have tried desperately to prevent me from using:
And this is the same one with the year 2017 in it that I added about five times now so maybe it will appear. Criminals have broken into this account it is very obvious this morning,and I am trying to re-secure it.
You can follow me on twitter on any of all of these accounts assuming you do not plan to harm me: @gloriapoole; @gloria_poole; @tartan_Bliss; @tweetie0817; @ProlifeNurse; @personhood1;@gpoole817, and @glorias_writing. Each is different just as each blog of mine is different.
Also thank you to my readers of the previous post in US, Russia and Switzerland. to see list of 76 countries that view my blogs and art I make see my is a profile page for me.

This account belongs ONLY to me Gloria Poole,RN, artist of /i;
This is my copyright notice in my own handwriting for this blog and all blogs and content I create including art
This is my selfie of me Gloria Poole in spring 2014 sitting on my sofa in Missouri; but it is my most recent selfie. I am still putting my hair in a lop-sided pony tail however and look the same.
This is one of my photos of the U S flag I photographed on walkabout to remind all I am U S citizen and have all Constitutional protections including the first amendment.
This is one of my Christian crosses to remind all that I am raised Southern Baptist, born again Christian believer and that I adhere to the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of GOD. This SELFIE of my hand is as it looks this year 2015. That necklace is of type of Southern Baptist/Great Commission Baptist Church, which adheres closely to Holy Bible. I do not make nor worship images of GOD, nor of idols.
That is my left hand as it looks this year since this photograph is recent selfie in past 2-3 months. If you want to know what I believe about JESUS you can read some of it on another blog of mine at:
The seal of my alma mater Georgia Baptist College of Nursing where I graduated from nursing college years ago, and took state licensing boards in the state of Georgia, also years ago, and have a Registered Professional Nurse license in Missouri.
This is a display I made to show the world that I am also a graduate of the University of Georgia Terry College of Business and the symbols on this display I made are symbols known to be University of Georgia in Athens Georgia.
I create all content on this blog and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively and individually as single posts. All telephones listed on this account and any account of mine on the web belong to me personally and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times. Some of my numbers are wired, landline telephones and some are mobile phones. This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words I wrote and or art I made and signed and or photos that I photographed belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia. Copyright. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole Gloria / G-L-O-R-I-A / gloriapoole1749 /gloria0817 /gpoole817 / gloriapooleRN at yahoo / gloriapoole.RN / artist-gloriapoole /Gloria Poole,RN,artist /cartooning-by-gloriapoole / photo-by-gloriapoole, and other variations of my real name with or without my professional status as Registered Nurse and with or without numbers after my name, at my own private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and neither is my isp account shared with anyone which means no one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere but me. /signed/ Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on 2nd August, 2017 J at 11:32am. I updated security settings today 5th August 2017 at 9:19am after cyber-thugs tried to slam a Tmobile cell phone number of mine late yesterday. Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and living in Missouri, and I am an artist in all mediums. an author, writer,photographer, ywice-divorced/single-again/white/Christian woman-mother of 2 grown daughters named Jennifer and Leigh. I had to get login codes FIVE different times as cyberthugs tried prevent me from changing passwords and security features. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole / [Ms ] Gloria Poole,RN,artist/ Tapestry of LIFE, of / in Missouri, USA