The above is a paraphrase, that means I put the Bible scripture in narrative form in my words to make it easy for anyone to understand. The Bible records all of these events in the book of Luke and the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. I prefer the King James Holy Bible because it's language is precise, poetic, doesn't mince words or play word games.
I pray that all would come to know The Living Lord who is alive forevermore according to Revelation chapter one. JESUS lives in heaven and he gave to all, when he was in human form on the earth an invitation to stand at the door of your heart and knock til you open and let him in; so that when you die you can ascend to heaven as he did to live eternally with him there. The book of Revelations describes heaven, tells who goes there and who doesn't, what the end [Armageddon, the final war] of the physical earth will be like, what GOD's Judgement Day will be like; and the end result [description] of heaven and also of hell, where unbelievers go, forever separated from GOD.
I, Gloria Poole, am adding this here today because Christmas is essentially Christ- mas. The word Christ meant the anointed one, in ancient languages, and became sort of a surname for JESUS that humans gave him. It is a celebration of what JESUS did for the human race --endured humanity when HE lived in heaven before coming to earth in the form of a human baby [read Genesis chapter 1,2]; endured persecution,an humiliating agonizing death & then ascended to heaven to prove that HE alone was The One GOD [Read John 10:30,KJV] who conquered death [came back to life, was witnessed alive after having been dead 3 days]; reappeared to the apostle John on the isle of Patmos [book of Revelation] to show him a vision of heaven and to reveal that HE JESUS was alive.
I ask you to pray a simple prayer if you do not know JESUS as your Saviour. Pray simply "Father GOD if you are real, and alive reveal yourself to me. I want to know the truth. Amen". Amen means so let it be done.
Merry Christmas whatever the state of your soul is today. Remember that JESUS died for your sins so you don"t have to die eternally but can be resurrected after a physical death into the heavenly realm is you submit your life to GOD.
Gloria Poole @ my apt in Missouri; 22-Dec-2012 @ 9:36am; You can follow me on twitter in several ways . My name twi accts are : @gloriapoole; and @gloria_poole but I have pseudonym sites also.